9 September 2021


Link to the source article >> https://healthpolicy-watch.news/air-quality-regulation-lag/

Over a third of the world’s countries – 37% – have either not created or are not enforcing legally mandated ambient air quality standards (AAQS), according to a new report released by the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP).

The report, “First Global Assessment of Air Pollution Legislation” assesses national air quality legislation in 194 states and the European Union, and found  persistent policy, capacity, and implementation gaps to prevent more effective action against air pollution.

Approximately 60% of countries, accounting for 1.3 billion people, have no annual ground-based monitoring for fine particulate matter (PM 2.5), while at least 31% of countries with the ability to introduce sub-standards for ambient air quality standards (AAQS) have not done so.

Unregulated air pollution continues to pose the greatest environmental threat to health. There are over seven million premature deaths every year due to the combined effects of outdoor and household air pollution – with millions more people falling ill from breathing polluted air, according to the WHO. More than half of these deaths are recorded in low- and middle-income countries.

UNEP calls for multi-sectoral action, in light of the report’s launch coinciding with International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, that can enable cleaner air for all.

“Investments in air quality will [not only] enhance our health, but also job creation, energy efficiency, clean transport, sustainable agriculture, and green and resilient cities,” said UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen, during a Tuesday launch event of the report.

“We can’t clean the air overnight, and we can’t clean the air without the full engagement of every sector of society. But if we put the work in today, we can one day soon breathe easier.”

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