Our History and Vision
“The interest in the world, the experiences of Tony Halik and Elżbieta Dzikowska and the iconic movie of the 70s “The Saga of the Forsyth Family” awakened inspiration in the field of human development…
Not from a medical point of view, but everyday’s life, which accompanies each of us. It was my parents who encouraged me and my brother to be interested in the journeys of Tony and Elizabeth and the domestic culture of the Forsyth Saga.
Today, parents are almost 90 years old and experience family relationships that have been developed over the years in our home. Contact with the Department of Dementia and Aging at the University of Bournemouth, England, resulted in modifying the activities of the IT company, in order to support the areas so well known to me from my family home with technology. This multi-generational house, whose values have almost completely disappeared nowadays, and how eagerly many of us would like to look at it.
The family gives so much joy, knowledge, nice memories, support in areas that are inaccessible to people outside the family circle. It is the family, it’s values and faith in it’s future that are the greatest driving force to build stable, global structures.
In the end, all that’s left is pride in working out great values. However, we can only find this out when talking to a group of grandparents, great-grandparents, grandchildren and relatives sitting at the family table.
Isn’t it worth fighting for?”
The result of these activities is the TeleCare platform, which, in the current global situation of the prevailing COVID-19 virus, makes it possible to effectively combat this threat and reduce its range of operation. The applicable restrictions require us to limit direct contact with people, avoid public places, or handle all kinds of administrative, official and even medical matters remotely. Further recommendations related to maintaining additional hygiene rules for oneself and the environment, as well as maintaining a safe distance from the person we speak with, make many forms of direct help provided so far an additional potential threat, both for the Caregiver and the person in need of care. The TeleCare system, thanks to its specialized structure and appropriate organization of the actions of people using it, is an effective and modern solution, ready to support activities and fight the threat of the COVID-19 virus. With the appropriate knowledge and prepared to act, the Coordinator, in cooperation with the Mobile Caregiver, are able to provide the necessary assistance to the Residents of the platform and react quickly enough in emergency situations, while minimizing the risk associated with direct contact with potentially infected persons. In the case of Residents of the platform subject to Quarantine, the Coordinator will organize actions in such a way that such a person also receives the necessary help and support, eliminating the risk of direct contact with another person. The Mobile Caregiver will provide the Quarantined Resident with the necessary shopping products, medicines or meals, leaving them at the door of the apartment, and the Coordinator will notify such person when it will be safe to pick them up, thus ensuring the safety of all cooperating people.
Our cooperation

We are waiting for you!
Join us, it’s really easy! Contact us, you or your Relatives and we will advise you on how you can benefit from our support.