23 August 2021

Some 300,000-400,000 Afghans have been forced from their homes in the past two months alone, says WHO and UNICEF.


Link to the source article >> https://healthpolicy-watch.news/afghanistans-fragile-health-system-in-shatters-as-taliban-assume-power/

KABUL – As the Taliban blitzed through towns and villages of Afghanistan finally capturing Kabul August 15, the war-ravaged country’s fragile health system was also crumbling, leaving the sick and vulnerable in despair.

Over the past week, the health ministry’s previously daily updates of coronavirus infections, vaccinations and other key updates on public health have ceased to exist.

As per the last official figures, Afghanistan was grappling with mounting rates of COVID-19 infections, driven by the Delta variant, amid shortages of vaccines and oxygen. Health experts believe the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse in the week since the Taliban took charge of the capital.

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