13 July 2021

Pharmaceutical companies continue to develop COVID-19 vaccine boosters amid condemnation of people in wealthy countries getting additional shots when much of the world is unvaccinated.


Link to the source article >> https://healthpolicy-watch.news/vaccine-booster-shot-row-continues-as-pfizer-trial-nears-conclusion/

The US Health and Human Services Department reiterated on Monday that booster shots were not necessary for fully vaccinated Americans after meeting with Pfizer, which is conducting a booster trial.

Also on Monday, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Gheybreyesus urged Pfizer and Moderna to redirect its vaccines to the global access facility, COVAX, as reported by Health Policy Watch.

Slamming plans by Pfizer, Moderna and a handful of rich countries, that are starting to offer  ‘booster’ vaccines to some groups of people, Tedros said that the world has evolved a “dangerous” two-tiered system of vaccinations,

Pfizer-BioNTech have been running a clinical trial since February to test the efficacy of a third “booster” vaccine to act against virus variants to be given three months after a person has received their initial two-dose vaccination.

The trial has two arms – one that tests an ordinary booster of the standard vaccine and the other that tests a booster tweaked to act against the Beta variant. It is being run at 17 sites in the US on people aged between 18 and 50 and its primary completion date is 22 July, according to the US National Institutes of Health clinical trials database.

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